对于大部分急于出分的考 生来说,相信大家还是更关注重点背诵词汇。下面让我们通过真 ti来看看什么样的单词是大家必须要掌握的。
例题1:C7, P20, Q7
The ability actually comes from perceiving 7 through the ears.
Blind people, without even being aware of the fact, are actually using echos of their own footsteps and of other sounds, to sense the presence of obstacles.
如果我们认识perceive,同时认识它的同义词换词sense,很容易就可以填出答--案obstacles。也就是说这种出现在填空题空格前后容易被同义替换的词及它的同近义词都是我们需要重点去背诵的词汇。而且这种词汇往往不止一次出现在雅思考 题中,我们可以看一下例题2。
例题2:C4, P30, Q34
...to investigate whether blind and sighted people perceived the symbolism in abstract 34 in the same way.
...I have begun exploring how well blind people understand the symbolism behind shapes such as ...
例题3:C4, P91,Q13
13. John S. Raglin believes our current knowledge of athletics is
A mistaken
B basic
C diverse
D theoretical
...says John S. Raglin, a sports psychologist at Indiana University. "...So many variables enter into the question, and our understanding in many cases is fundamental..."
例题4: C5, P40, Q2
Bakelite was unique because it was the first material to be both entirely 2 in origin, and thermosetting.
Bakelite had the disctinction of being the first totally synthetic thermosetting plastic.
希望大家做有心人,做题时多总结这样的同义替换现象,由于同一组同义词替换词会不止一次出现在真 ti中,也就意味着它们也会出现在真实的雅思阅读考 试中,所以把这些词背下来能够帮助大家在短时间内考 出理想的成绩。另外,确实时间很紧迫的同学,欢迎来北京新东方学习雅思课程,相信可以帮助到大家。